Monday, October 13, 2014

Columbus Blog

Christopher Columbus was a slave trader who murdered several men and took valuables and men away from families. What Christopher Columbus did was amazing for the world at the time, but was bound to happen at some point in history. I consider Christopher Columbus one of the greatest scumbags in the history of our human race. He murdered and enslaved thousands of people, all for religion. Although the average educated person considers Christopher Columbus a hero, I do not. I  consider Christopher Columbus a selfish, curious murderer. Although the extra day away from school is nice, the basis for the holiday is pointless. In my opinion its almost like celebrating the murders of the crusades because new land was discovered, and more money was beneficial for the mother country providing the funds of the quest, but at what cost? In conclusion, Christopher Columbus should be considered a villain more than a hero, due to his treatment of the Native Americans during his voyage to the new world. 

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