Wednesday, November 19, 2014

LAD #18 Dred Scott Decision

The overall decision of the Dred Scott case was very controversial. The supreme court justice acted the same as John Marshall and sat on the case and did nothing. The end decision was that Dred Scott was considered property and could not be freed. This was one of the main reasons why the republican Abraham Lincoln had been elected into office the following election due to the northerners resentment towards the verdict.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

LAD #17 Sojourner Truth: Ain't I Woman?

Sojourner Truth's speech was revolutionary for all women at this critical transition period for women and African Americans as a whole. She begins by saying women work just as hard as men and go through just as much as them yet they are treated poorly. At a time when other people rarely saw the other side of the pancake, this was eye-opening because many women began to realize that the way they were bing treated wasn't right and there was room for improvement. Her comparisons between women and men were very accurate by saying that Christ was born from a woman and by denying other women of equal opportunities they aren't representing their church the way they should be treated. Sojourner Truth's speech was one of many in this time period addressing issues from then that still relate today in very similar ways.

LAD #16 5th of July Speech Fredrick Douglass

In Frederick Douglass' speech he explains the meaning of The Fourth of July for the African-American population. Frederick Douglass goes on by saying he supports the signers of the Declaration of Independence for putting the people before their wants and needs. He also says that America has been contradicting due to the fact that slavery goes against the freedom they fought for. Douglass further extends his negativity towards the slave trade and comparing the treatment of slaves to animals, he also says negative claims about the profits made in the slave trade. Frederick Douglass continues the argument by saying churches who aren't speaking out against the poor treatment of African-Americans and not standing up for the people as a whole. Frederick Douglass also calls American principles as inconsistent by only giving some people individual rights and freedoms. Douglass closes his arguments by saying the anti-slavery movements will over-power the negativity faced towards the African-Americans.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

LAD #13 Calhoun's Address to the Senate

Calhoun's address to the senate begins with him addressing the issue of slavery. He begins by saying the 3/5 compromise was a necessary compromise to balance the amount of representatives. Now he says that the including of 5 new states will create an unconstitutional unbalance in the senate, this is also controversial due to the fact that the South has no new states for admission. Calhoun also believes that tariffs are separating our nation and giving the north a benefit. Calhoun also believes that if the North gives the South its rights to represent new territory, return fugitive slaves, get over slavery. Calhoun believed this would create and equal representative in the government.

LAD #12 Polk's War Message

Polk's war message is a detailed explanation for America's right to invade Mexico. Polk first sent diplomats to negotiate peace in Mexico, but in the height of the revolution the Mexican government decided that it wasn't necessary to negotiate peace with The United States. As an alternative, Mexico went to war with The United States and several deaths resulted in this war. Despite all of the deaths, Polk felt that the war was necessary.

LAD #11 Seneca Falls Declaration

The Seneca Falls Declaration is a document written and modeled after the declaration of independence the Seneca Falls Declaration describes the certain unalienable right for both men and women. The Seneca Falls Declaration describes the importance of women and how their rights aren't being protected and they aren't viewed as equals in society. The Seneca Falls Declaration ALSO has a list of the discriminating acts towards including denying women the right to vote, right to enter colleges and certain places of education, etc.